Create Intelligent One Time Offers
Create Intelligent One Time Offers
Finally, Discover How to Get More Customers To Buy Your One-Time Offers Starting Today!”
This video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to achieve more sales without spending days or weeks banging your head against the wall trying to figure things out.
Introducing: Intelligent One-Time Offers 8 Part Video Course.
This course includes 8 Videos and 8 Audio files.
Here’s a breakdown of this 8 part video series in more detail.
Video #1 – Introduction and Quick Overview
You are going to get a quick introduction to the video course itself so you know exactly what to expect. Plus, we will talk about the things that you will need before you get started.
Video #2 – Why You Must Have One-Time Offers
Now that you have an idea of what this video course is all about, let’s look at why you must have one-time offers. We don’t want to leave anyone out, so if you are new to this type of concept, we want to make sure you understand why having a one-time offer in your funnel is crucial to doubling or even quadrupling your overall sales.
Video #3 – Why Most OTO Converting
Before we can jump in and start mapping out your one-time offers, you need to understand why most are not converting. Understanding this will allow you to get a better perspective of why your own OTO may not be converting. Otherwise you are just blindly guessing, and we want you to be successful.
Video #4 – Overview of a Smart OTO & Why They Convert
At this point in time you will understand why your OTO is not converting, so now it is time to show you how to set up ones that do convert. Here we want you to start brainstorming how you can implement this strategy into your own funnel to ensure that you give your customers what they want.
Video #5 – How to Create a Funnel With Smart OTOs
When it comes to creating a funnel with smart OTOs, it is easy to do once you have gone through videos 1-4. In this video, we will be mapping out a generic funnel with Smart OTOs by using a flow chart visual map, so you can see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.
Video #6 – Smart OTO Real Example – Products
Now that we have covered how to create a funnel and what it looks like to map it out, let us talk about some real-life examples. Because products and services can be drastically different, and we want to ensure that you understand how to implement this inside of your business, in this video we will talk about how to create Smart OTO for products.
Video #7 – Smart OTO Real Example – Services
We have covered how to create a funnel and what it looks like to map it out, so let us talk about some real-life examples to ensure that whatever your product or service, you will be able to implement it in your business.
Video #8 – Systems That Will Help You Achieve This
Congrats! At this point in time, you have reached the end of this video series. To ensure that you can use everything you have learned, we will cover shopping cart systems that will help you achieve this goal and set up the one-time offers properly via some automated systems, so you can sell your front-end offer and as many one-time offers as you have.