Make Money as a Mentor
Make Money as a Mentor
What is Mentoring? There are few experiences more rewarding than teaching what you know to someone else. The mentor-protégé relationship is perhaps the ultimate teaching experience: a one-on-one transfer of accumulated knowledge and wisdom designed to benefit both parties involved. Protégés are a common occurrence in the business world today. THIS DIGITAL COURSE INCLUDES 1 E-BOOK (83 PAGES) AND 4 AUDIO FILES.
Introduction – The Mentor-Protégé Relationship 5
What is Mentoring? 5
A Brief History of Mentoring 6
Chapter 1 – Benefits of a Protégé 8
It's a Two-Way Street 8
Sharper skills 8
A fresh outlook 9
Free labor 9
Career development 10
Higher self-image 10
Personal satisfaction 11
Mentoring: Do you have what it takes? 12
Communication and rapport 12
Insider information 12
Experience and balance 13
Honesty and integrity 13
Organization 14
Chapter 2 – Benefits to a Protégé PT 2 16
Knowledge 16
New opportunities 16
A non-threatening learning experience 16
Improved self-confidence 17
Challenge 18
A straighter path to success 18
Long term relationships and networking opportunities 18
Chapter 3 – Where to Look 20
Happenstance 20
Your company 21
Other companies or industry segments 22
Mentoring programs 22
Big Brothers Big Sisters 23
College interns 24
Chapter 4 – Picking a Protégé 27
Ingredients of a good protégé 27
A commitment to expanding skills and capabilities 27
Receptive and open to new ideas and new ways of learning 28
The ability to accept and act upon constructive criticism 28
Results-driven focus 28
Good communication and cooperative work skills 29
A strong sense of personal responsibility 29
Willingness to meet regularly 29
Unafraid to ask for help 30
Aligning your goals 30
Background checks—do you need them? 31
How to check references 31
The protégé interview 32
Close-ended questions 33
Open-ended questions 33
Avoiding lawsuits 35
Creating a contract with your protégé 36
Chapter 5 When, Where, and How: Communication Basics 38
Accessibility 38
Physical location 39
Job schedule and duties 39
Family situation 40
External obligations 40
Primary communication 40
Regularity 41
Creating a schedule 41
Documentation 42
Fostering Clear Communication 44
Conversation skills 44
Personal interface: Your body language 47
Posture 47
Eye contact 48
Facial expression 49
Handshake technique 49
Better written communication 51
Written correspondence 51
Electronic etiquette 51
Chapter 6 – Working with a Protégé 54
Stages of a mentorship 54
Pitfalls of mentoring 55
Defining goals 56
Your goals 56
Your protégé's goals 57
Creating a personal vision statement 58
Effective meetings 61
Plan ahead of time 61
Establish communication protocol 61
Encourage prepared and spontaneous questions 62
Record the proceedings 62
Encourage time for reflection 62
Making time for mentoring: the balancing act 63
Drawing the line 64
Offering financial support 64
"Working" for your protégé 65
Becoming a personal counselor 65
Chapter 7 – The Exit Strategy 67
Meeting goals 67
Moving on 69
Keeping in touch 70
Chapter 8 – Running Multiples 72
Diversifying: Different protégés for different purposes 73
Part time mentoring 73
Group mentoring 74
Chapter 9 – Lather, Rinse, Repeat 76
Referrals from your protégés 76
After-retirement mentoring 77
Final thoughts 78
Table of Figures 80
Appendix: How to Be a Professional Altruist 81
Experienced people in every industry often decide to “adopt” a protégé—whether the arrangement is through a formal mentoring program, or an informal mutual decision to take a new employee “under your wing” and show him the ropes.
The reasons to enter a mentor-protégé relationship are many, but the most common is when the protégé candidate shows promise from the start.
Mentor-protégé relationships can be either formal or informal.
Informal mentoring relationships often develop on their own, with the more experienced person offering advice and assistance and the newcomer taking that advice to heart.
Many organizations have formal mentoring programs, which can be either within the company or within the industry. For example, the Small Business Administration runs a mentoring program where retired business executives dedicate their time to developing protégés.
College interns also figure into the equation. Though protégés are not always interns, the relationships are virtually the same, while the reasoning may be different. But whether you work with a protégé or a college intern, becoming a mentor can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your professional life.